Monday, June 27, 2016

June 27, 2016

This week was fantastic and I should tell you about it but what I need to do more is bear you my testimony because I don't do that enough.

I know that Jesus Christ is my Savior and Redeemer. He suffered and died for me and because he did, I am healed from my past, I am forgiven every day, and I am empowered to do His will. I can never forget Him for all he has done for me and because of all he as done for me He will never forget me. 

I know that the Prophet Joseph Smith is a Prophet called of God to restore the blessings and covenants that we need to attain our potential and glory. He lived and died so that we can have all that the lord desires to bless us with. I know that he translated the Book of Mormon and I know that that is God's word. I know that it is true, with every fiber of my being I know it is true. I am able to hear His voice through it and can find no more joy than when I am able to hear and act on the things He needs me to do.

I know that Thomas S. Monson is our current Prophet and leader and that if we follow what he and our other leaders teach then we will find happiness and eternal glory. God promises us this.

I know that God loves me and each one of us specifically and knows us more intimately than we can imagine. We are exactly where we are because he needs us here to protect his children and teach them his ways. 

I love each of you and am grateful for all you do for me and my family. 

Elder Howland
This is a picture of Elder Howland with another elder (don't know his name) at the Columbus Ohio temple.  They were able to go as a zone with their mission president before he left to go home.

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