Wednesday, November 2, 2016

October 31, 2016

(Sorry I'm late getting this posted to the blog.  I was home sick on Monday and Tuesday this week.)

Leanne got baptized!!!!!!!!!! What an awesome joy filled day that was! The topper was how she kept talking about it, she taught Gospel Principles the day she was confirmed a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and yes that day she also taught Sunday School haha And she bore a beautiful testimony right at the beginning comparing it to rain and a rainbow coming after :)

But wait the miracles don't stop there! Saturday night we were out walking and the house we were going to was just over the train tracks.  As we approached a train came and so we were forced to wait. While waiting we went to go talk to another family that was walking on the sidewalk.  That didn't amount to anything but in the 30 second walk the train went from 40 mph to stopped dead and we weren't exactly sure how that happened. So we turned around and went to another investigator in the opposite direction and on the way there we passed by a house where the man was coming out of his house and just said "Hey guys" as we went by. Normally we would say hey and keep walking but I was pulled by almost an ethereal beam that I couldn't control we just walked up to him and started talking. 

He said that he has been looking for God. He said that he has been needing a place to focus his energies. As we asked him the needed finding questions he answered them in almost quotes from the Book of Mormon, which he has never read before! If I could describe it in one word it would be "hungry." He is hungry for the gospel and was asking such good questions. We went back Sunday night also and had a member with us.  He asked us about how to feel free from sin and a feeling of guilt. We talked about the Gospel of Jesus Christ and shared about how it is through Christ he can be clean and he accepted a date of Nov. 26th to be baptized on. We met him 24 hours before and he is just so excited about it all!

Looking back on it we laughed because God literally stopped a train to guide us to him. God obviously knows his sheep. And things like this happen kind of often and we aren't exactly sure what we are doing to be getting these miracles but we are pretty happy with them haha

Miracles abounding in Muncie!

Love you all.
Elder Howland

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