Monday, November 9, 2015

November 9, 2015

Oh my goodness everything is crazy right now. We got transfer calls this morning and Elder Macfarlane my comp, is leaving and I'm staying... that is until 15 minutes later, continued revelation calls us back and says that I'm leaving too and so that means we are being doubled out! I am so not ready to leave! I love it here so much and the people are amazing, I want to get so much closer to them and we were just getting fired up, we just set a goal to baptize 4 people this transfer and we had set everything and now we are trusting it all into the next missionaries hands. So time to pack up again...

This week was awesome and that makes me want to go even less! Saturday was so cool. We went to go meet this investigator and as we got out of our car he walks out and asks us if we want to go to Applebees... on him! What? An investigator? But ok! So the setting wasn't very conducive to having the spirit there... But when you are guided by God to say and do what he himself would say and do if he personally were ministering unto the people to whom he has sent me, then all things are possible and yeah the spirit was there! Afterwards when we were leaving he said something to the effect of wow I asked you guys some hard questions that I've been asking for years and you were able to answer them way better than anything else I have heard. But now we won't be here to personally follow up and I'm super sad!! I love this guy so much and want to keep teaching him!!!

After that we went and did some service for Sister French in the ward. She lives down south of our area and is literally the crazy cat lady of the ward. She can talk forever, the last drive down there she spoke for 45 minutes with only a courtesy "mmm hmm" every 10 minutes or so with Elder Macfarlane and his last comp. She has 21 cats. Yes I'll say that again 21 cats. And her house looks and smells like she has 21 cats too. So very gross but hey when in Kentucky! Right?

One thing that I would like to ephasize this week. Did you know that God speaks to man? No, really...God speaks to man. Today right now God speaks to us, you, me. God the creator of all things in Heaven and Earth will speak to you. Are you listening? Are you asking for him to enlighten your mind with the things that will bring you the most happiness and peace? I would invite all to ask God for the things they need, because if you will- he will speak to you. He speaks to me everyday. When I actually actually actually realized this, it was amazing. I love it and he wants to bless us so let's let him!

We have been teaching so much these last few days and have such solid investigators and with such power that I want to see these people through, to baptism! I love it here and ultimately want to do God's will and so I will be just as excited to see where I go now and see who I am going to serve for the next 6 weeks and serve with for the next 6 weeks! Til next week when you get to find out where in the world I am... haha literally! I love you and am so grateful for your prayers and thoughts. 

Elder Howland

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