This week is the last week of the transfer and we just found
out that both of us are leaving! :( Eastgate has been soooooooo good...if only
for 6 weeks; it was awesome! The ward was most definitely the best part of
being there and so am so sad to go! Luckily I get to stay close by Cincinnati
on the West side. I just realized that I have spent half of my time here within
30 minutes of Cincinnati which is the mission name, so that is a blessing. I
truly consider it a home away from home.
We have an investigator named Candice that we found and
started teaching the last 3 weeks or so. She had previously investigated the
church but had only seen missionaries like twice, so when we first went back to
start teaching her she put us through the ringer! She was drilling us on what
the Godhead was like and what the difference was between a spirit and The
Spirit and more! But we answered her questions adequately and she allowed us to
teach her. So we taught about the Plan of Salvation and she is so funny because
she likes to go slowwww but get really deep into it. She has really good
questions and when we answer them she feels that they are right and true and
she is left always wanting more which is really cool!
The funniest thing though was she said that when she became
a mother she had to learn different ways to say things. For instance when you
want your kid to stop. You say "stop" but sometimes that doesn't work
so you need a "STOP" and that doesn't always work so sometimes you
need... (She did sign language for stop). I then interjected, "and you can say
"alto" which is Spanish for stop". To which she responded quickly
with, "I gotta say "QUITTIT" which is Ghetto for stop!!!" Hahaha we died laughing because we are in the ghetto! So
great! She is a crack up! Maybe you just had to be there.
Glad to be here doing the best thing ever! I have reflected
on Alma the Younger's experience which he describes in Alma 36 as well as
Enos's story, and the thing that I love between the two of them is that both of
them reflect on the words of their fathers. Alma says, "as I was thus
racked with torment, while I was harrowed up by the memory of my many sins,
behold, I remembered also to have heard my father prophesy concerning the
coming of one Jesus Christ, a Son of God, to atone for the sins of the
world." Enos described it as, "Behold, I went to hunt beasts in the
forest; and the words which I had often heard my father speak concerning
Eternal life and the joy of the saints sunk deep into my heart. And my soul
hungered." I can relate a lot to these two. Enos doesn't say it but I
think there was a time where he wasn't valiant and obedient. Obviously there
was a time where Alma was outright against the church. There was a time where I
didn't do the things that I knew was right. But like them, I knew what was
right because I had learned it from my father (and mother), and there came a
time when I remembered it also. And that remembering and then ACTING on it set
me on this course and I am forever grateful for it! :) This is still the best
experience of my life! :) And I love it!!!!
I love you! Thank you for everything you have done and are
doing for me!
Elder Mark Howland